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Discussion 5_US History I

Discussion 5_US History I

Q Among historians, there have generally been two main interpretations of the Revolution. The first, as espoused by scholars like Gordon Wood, argues that the revolution is "the most important event in American history." In their view, the Revolution was a watershed moment that completely transformed American society. Meanwhile, scholars like Bernard Bailyn have argued that the ideological origins of the revolution were actually based on much older ideas, and the American Revolution thus didn't herald in a new era nor was it a transformative moment. Which interpretation of the Revolution do you find more convincing? Defend your position with support and specific evidence. In order to receive full credit, post substantive responses to at least two of your classmates posts in the discussion thread.

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I am more convinced with the interpretation of scholars like Gordan Wood who believes that the revolution was the most important event in American history. I agree to this because prior to this, Americans lived in serfdom. They were controlled by the British and never given an equal position. It was only after the revolution they realized that what power and freedom meant. They started living like humans after the Revolution. They established their own Constitution, developed their own industries and worked hard to emerge as the most powerful nation in the world. It is indeed a watershed event.